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Who are you?

I grew up in Dallas, Texas, drinking sodium fluoridated water. All the scientific studies show my IQ has been reduced by at least 20 points. The shadow of who I would have been calls out from the grave.

Actually, I'm just another internet hobbyist with autistic hyperfixations. I started this website to work on during my manic episodes, and hopefully it will receive many updates.

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"apt to become the prey of spirit-controls [and] should not attend seances"

"buddy we gotta find you a hobby that involves less staring into the abyss"

"I thought you hated me until I talked to you"

"maybe a less vindictive Taylor Swift"

"Psychiatric Diagnosis: Personality Disorder (BPD / ASPD)"

"this looks a lot like 'reasons to justify my negative traits'"

"yeah im just tired of dealing w how much you need compliments"

"you make it scary and difficult for others to talk"